Great article, once again! You have an excellent ability to break down what's needed to start evaluating a new growth stock. The problem is my potential buy list keeps growing ;) I was almost going to ask how it compared to DLO (which I recently entered into on your recommendation), but you covered that! I'm really curious how the whole digital payment industry is going to play out. Might be worth a separate article at some point breaking down the industry players, competitive differentiators, growth projections, price entry points, etc. Thanks!
Great article, once again! You have an excellent ability to break down what's needed to start evaluating a new growth stock. The problem is my potential buy list keeps growing ;) I was almost going to ask how it compared to DLO (which I recently entered into on your recommendation), but you covered that! I'm really curious how the whole digital payment industry is going to play out. Might be worth a separate article at some point breaking down the industry players, competitive differentiators, growth projections, price entry points, etc. Thanks!
I think that’s a fantastic idea for an article! Keep an eye out for today’s major FinTech players and their differential!
Always love the feedback Evan!